The early childhood approach is for children younger than 7 with a disability or a developmental delay, and their families. Children, younger than 6 who do not fully meet the definition of developmental delay and have developmental concerns will also be supported through the early childhood approach.
The early childhood approach aims to:
provide timely support to ensure that you are able to access the supports you need
give you information about best-practice early childhood intervention supports and how you can help your child
increase your confidence and capacity to manage and respond to your child’s support needs
increase your child’s ability to do activities they need or want to do throughout their day
increase your child’s inclusion and participation in mainstream and community settings like childcare or recreation
give you information about, and referrals to, other support services if needed, like parent support groups.
How does Stepping Stones work within the early childhood approach?
Therapists at Stepping Stones are constantly upskilling and participating in relevant training to keep them up to date with evidence-informed best practice. Early Childhood Intervention Australia, now known as REIMAGINE, developed the Best Practice Guidelines for Early Intervention in 2015.
Therapists at Stepping Stones endeavor to deliver a service that follows the established guidelines each and every day. Here at Stepping Stones we deliver a service that incorporates the following guidelines:
Family - the center of all services and supports
All families are different and unique
Your child at home and in the community
Your child practices and learns new skills every day
Team around the child
Building everyone's knowledge and skills
What you want for your child and family
Quality services and supports
Want to read more about the ECIA Best Practice Guidelines for Early Intervention? Visit the website below:
Why does Stepping Stones offer Early Intervention?
We know that early intervention is the best intervention. Here at Stepping Stones we are passionate about empowering families to become their child's own therapist! We aim to impart our clinical knowledge on you and allow you to be the expert of your child!
We want families and teams around the child to feel as though they have been equipped with the skills, tools and resources they need to support their child and to know where to go when they need a little extra help!
Stepping Stones therapists love seeing your child in their natural environments - we offer home, school, day care and community visits to ensure we are targeting real-world, functional skill development.
Think your child may be eligible for Early Intervention funding through the NDIS?
Do you have concerns about your child's development? The diagram below offers insight into the funding options available through Early Intervention and the NDIS.
Need someone to talk to about your child's development?
South West: (08) 9791 7898
Broome: 0477 190 111