Bunbury Clinical Services
Unit 14c
42 Strickland Street
You will find our primary location in the Homemaker Centre in Bunbury, Western Australia. Our Bunbury clinic is fully stocked with assessment and therapy resources to target all areas of development with all ages – including an impressive therapy and sensory gym. This gym allows our staff to provide sensory regulation strategies and movement during ANY therapy goal. Sitting still during therapy sessions can be tough, and we have found that by incorporating movement into all therapy activities, children will participate better and have better retention of these skills – hopefully leading to faster skill acquisition!

Bunbury Homebase
Unit 4
30 Forrest Avenue
Stepping Stones also has their ‘Homebase’: a place for functional skill development and group learning. You’ll find Homebase at 4/30 Forrest Ave in Bunbury. Take note: this office is by appointment only, and so your therapist will let you know if you’re expected to be working from here for your appointment.

Broome Services
Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology Services available with Ashlee and Lizzy at your home, school or in the community.
Stepping Stones is excited to offer Allied Health Services to the Broome community. Stepping Stones looks forward to supporting children from birth-18 years, to develop to their full potential.

Home and School
If, however, you would find it difficult to attend therapy at any of our offices – then we can come to you! We have close connections with most local primary schools, and can provide therapy in these locations or within your home. This option also allows for great communication with the other important people in your child’s life, which may promote more practice to continue beyond the therapy sessions. Home - based appointments are also great when using the Routines Based approach to assessment and intervention. Your key worker (or multiple staff if required) can visit you in your home to discuss your usual routine, and problem solve through ways to help your child actively participate more in daily tasks, in consideration of his/her strengths and weaknesses. Research has shown that this method of intervention not only leads to improvements in participation in everyday tasks, but also improvements in direct skills that may have been targeted in specific therapy sessions. If you would like more information about this service delivery method, please give us a call.