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Reading To Correct Speech Errors
Most people read books to their children to teach them language, concepts or just so that they learn to read. Today you're going to learn...

Learn Sounds Not Letters
Let’s learn about sounds, not letters. When it comes to preparing a child to read it seems to make sense to teacher letter names (e.g. A...

Screen Time For Kids
Screen time and kids, a debate that can go on and on. It’s a hot topic and one that is unlikely to be resolved any time soon. While we...

Why Is Core Strength So Important?
Core strength, it’s something that we associate with a six pack (and maybe Channing Tatum’s abs?) But, did you know that core strength is...

Therapy Approaches To Feeding Difficulties!
Have you identified that your child has difficulties which are impacting on their feeding skills? If so we are trained to help you and...

10 Reasons Why Your Child May Be Struggling Academically
School is a complicated thing. There is the academic component (obviously), which can be difficult enough. Then there’s the social...
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